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Search results toxic
Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Vlad Flueraru x Tatiana - Prea Toxic (Video Original)

Videoclipuri 25 November 2023 801

Vlad Flueraru x Tatiana - Prea Toxic

Romaneasca 25 November 2023 1230

Sonny Flame x Casian - TOXIC (Video Original)

Videoclipuri 02 June 2023 545

Sonny Flame x Casian - TOXIC (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 02 June 2023 1178

Sandra N - Iubire Toxica (Cover Loreen Tattoo)(Video Original)

Videoclipuri 12 May 2023 706

Sandra N - Iubire Toxica (Cover Loreen Tattoo)

Romaneasca 12 May 2023 1360

B. Piticu x Marina Mitrea - Dragoste Toxicitate (Video Original)

Videoclipuri 18 April 2023 484

B. Piticu x Marina Mitrea - Dragoste Toxicitate (Originala 2023)

Manele 03 January 2023 1270

Oscar - Toxic (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 29 November 2022 1941

Vizante x FRDM - Relatie Toxica (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 05 October 2022 1449

ALAN - Toxic (feat. Freakadadisk)(Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 11 August 2021 2292

Copilul de Aur & Mike - Iubire Toxica (Originala 2021)

Manele 09 May 2021 3291


Albume 23 February 2021 1593

JUNO feat. Oscar - Toxic (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 08 February 2021 2878

inverness - Toxic ft. Amelia Moore

Trap 13 June 2020 2831

DALI - Toxic (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 10 April 2020 2157

2nd Life x No ExpressioN - Toxic Daydream (feat. Kathana)(Bass Boosted)

Trap 18 September 2019 2323

Adi de la Valcea, Morgana si Mr Juve - E toxica iubirea ta (Originala 2018)

Manele 30 October 2018 1709

Denisa Moga feat Mircea Eremia - Toxic (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 21 May 2018 1548

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