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Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Briana - Tinerete, tinerete

Petrecere 25 September 2020 2847

Carmen Ienci si Formatia (COVER Am acasa o fetita mica LIVE 100 2020)

Manele 25 September 2020 2644

Cristian Rizescu - Nimic nu este gratis pe Pamant (Originala 2020)

Manele 25 September 2020 3216

Gabi Nistor & Formatia Montana Band Cel mai nou Colaj pe Sistem, sa Moara Dusmanii

Petrecere 25 September 2020 3221

Adriana Petrehus - Mai sadeti acasa babe

Petrecere 25 September 2020 2243

Nicu Paleru - Tu ma indulcesti, ma racoresti (Videoclip Full HD)

Videoclipuri 25 September 2020 2188

Nicu Paleru - Tu ma indulcesti, ma racoresti (Originala 2020)

Manele 25 September 2020 3529

Jador x Costi - CAROLA (special guest Andrea Bulgaria)(Videoclip Full HD)

Videoclipuri 25 September 2020 2451

Coco de la Slatina - Dusmanii mei de maine, Colaj muzica de petrecere 2020

Petrecere 25 September 2020 2808

Gino Manzotti & Maxx - Matado (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 25 September 2020 2761

Jador x Costi - CAROLA (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 25 September 2020 7400

Nicu Blidariu si FORMATIA CERNA MUSIC - Colaj de joc 2020

Petrecere 25 September 2020 2009

DANI PRINTUL BANATULUI - Cand iti sarut buzele (Originala 2020)

Manele 24 September 2020 2811

Mihaita Piticu - Te tineam in brate, azi nu te mai tin (Originala 2020)

Manele 24 September 2020 1509

Veronica Dragu si Formatia Cerna Music Cel mai frumos Colaj de joc

Petrecere 24 September 2020 2420

Alex de la Orastie - Ai sa dai cu suspinatul (Originala 2020)

Manele 24 September 2020 10237

Muzica Noua de Toamna 2020 Melodii Noi Octombrie 2020 Muzica Noua Octombrie (Hituri Romanesti)

Albume 23 September 2020 1979

Sorinel Micu - La Multi Ani si sus paharul

Petrecere 23 September 2020 2840

Lucian de la Jidvei - Nu vreau bani, nici bogatii (Originala 2020)

Manele 23 September 2020 2701

Liviu Pustiu si Adelina - Fara tine as fi pierdut (Originala 2020)

Manele 23 September 2020 2990

Amme - Sageti (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 23 September 2020 2424

Rashid feat. Cortes - TKO (Diss pentru cine vreti voi)

Romaneasca 22 September 2020 2286

Denisa Neag - Ce va uitati ca-s micuta

Petrecere 22 September 2020 2254

Alexia - Pentru Tine (MoonSound & Cristi Nitzu Remix)

House 22 September 2020 2896

Bro Justin & Brushfeed - Love Me

Trap 22 September 2020 2040

AMNA - Bine cu mine (Acoustic Version)

Romaneasca 22 September 2020 3279


Manele 22 September 2020 2452

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Unde-i vremea de altadata (Ana-Maria Oprisan COVER)

Petrecere 22 September 2020 3062

Culita Sterp x Iancu Sterp x Costi - Sarutarile Tale (Videoclip Full HD)

Videoclipuri 21 September 2020 2258

Ahmed - M-ai mintit, m-ai inselat (Originala 2020)

Manele 21 September 2020 2659

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - M-am indragostit de tine (Camelia Balmau-COVER)

Petrecere 21 September 2020 2765

Deac Cristin - Eu is Ana botezata

Petrecere 21 September 2020 1481

Samurai - Lupul Singuratic feat. Dedey (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 21 September 2020 2503

Culita Sterp x Iancu Sterp x Costi - Sarutarile Tale (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 21 September 2020 1642

George Tufa - Esti iubirea vietii mele

Petrecere 20 September 2020 2422

Costel Ciofu - Nu credeam ca tu esti genul (Originala 2020)

Manele 20 September 2020 2423


Manele 20 September 2020 2501

Otilia - Deli Gibi (John Castel & Xan Castel Remix 2020)

Romaneasca 19 September 2020 3654


Manele 19 September 2020 2431

Lidia Buble x Jay Maly x Costi - La Luna (DJ Zeno & Ovidiu Lupu Remix)

House 19 September 2020 2963

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