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Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Culita Sterp x Ella Tina - Dragoste si ura (Originala 2020)

Manele 24 December 2020 4088

Diana Simona - In fiecare zi langa tine (Originala 2020)

Manele 24 December 2020 2759

Florin Cercel - Avioane de hartie (Originala 2020)

Manele 24 December 2020 4507

Geani de la Londra - Colinda O seara linistita NOU 2021

Petrecere 24 December 2020 1954

Bogdan de la Cluj - Te-as manca, ce dulce esti (Oiginala 2020)

Manele 24 December 2020 3656

Carmen Serban - Colaj Colinde - Deschide usa crestine x Trei Pastori x Flori De Mar x Coborat o coborat

Petrecere 24 December 2020 3127

Liviu Guta - Iti Dau Toate Florile (Originala 2020)

Manele 23 December 2020 2427

Cristi Nuca - Comorile din viata mea (Originala 2020)

Manele 23 December 2020 2166

Muzica Noua de Iarna 2021 Melodii Noi de Craciun 2020 Muzica Noua de Craciun (Hituri Romanesti)

Albume 23 December 2020 1933

Cristi Pustiu - Dragoste Infinita (Originala 2020)

Manele 23 December 2020 2260

Emilian - Have yourself a merry little Christmas (Acoustic Piano Cover)

Romaneasca 23 December 2020 1995

NEMURITORII - Mai Constantine!

Petrecere 23 December 2020 3222

Geany Morandi - Fara tine as muri (Originala 2020)

Manele 23 December 2020 2492

Dan Salam - Impartim cea mai mare iubire (Originala 2020)

Manele 23 December 2020 1952

Cristi Nuca si Cristian de la Craiova - Pentru familia mea (Originala 2020)

Manele 23 December 2020 2505

Ghita Iosu si Formatia Super colaj de joc (Cover) New

Petrecere 23 December 2020 2110

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Fetele lu' tata (Ilie Rosu COVER)

Petrecere 22 December 2020 2545

Andreea Voica - Deschide usa crestine

Petrecere 22 December 2020 2595


Manele 22 December 2020 4585

Irina Lepa x Nicu Paleru - Cand iubesti, iubeste bine

Petrecere 22 December 2020 3292


Manele 22 December 2020 2510


Trap 22 December 2020 2429

6ASE - Daca suntem uniti (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 22 December 2020 2617


Albume 22 December 2020 1529

BONES - Timberlake (XZEEZ Remix)

House 21 December 2020 2200

Robert Cristian & Dayana - Daca Ploaia S-ar Opri (Cover CARGO)

House 21 December 2020 4003

Sorina Ceugea x Culita x Ella Tina x Florin Cercel x Danezu x Laura x Ticy & Puisor de la Medias - E IARNA

Manele 21 December 2020 3023

Andra - Din Ceruri Ninge Alb (Editie Live de Craciun 2020)

Romaneasca 20 December 2020 2554

Andra - O, Ce Veste Minunata (Editie Live de Craciun 2020)

Romaneasca 20 December 2020 3088

Andra - Vin Acasa De Craciun (Editie Live de Craciun 2020)

Romaneasca 20 December 2020 2544

Costel Pustiu - Panamera (Originala 2020)

Manele 20 December 2020 2375

URUCU ROBERT - Tu cu mine, eu cu tine (Originala 2020)

Manele 20 December 2020 3044

Andra - Merry Christmas Everyone (Editie Live de Craciun 2020)

Romaneasca 20 December 2020 2340

Selectie Manele noi LIVE 20 DECEMBRIE 2020

Albume 20 December 2020 2304

Dorel de la Popesti - Dragii mei baieti (Originala 2020)

Manele 20 December 2020 2125

Cele mai frumoase colinde de Craciun 2021 Pentru toti plecati in strainatate 2021

Petrecere 19 December 2020 2443

Toci - Locul meu e sus pe stanca (Joc tiganesc)

Manele 19 December 2020 2483

Adrian Tutu x GATO - Amintiri din copilarie (Originala Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 19 December 2020 3101

Mihai de la Ciocanesti 2021 - Ori ce sacrificiu as face

Petrecere 19 December 2020 2309


Petrecere 19 December 2020 2674

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