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Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Livia Pop - M-am indragostit de tine (Originala 2020)

Manele 25 July 2020 3507

Sorinel de la Plopeni - Colaj inima albastra melodii de dragoste

Petrecere 25 July 2020 2211

Lidia Buble x Jay Maly x Costi - La Luna (Deejay Killer & Koss Remix)

Romaneasca 25 July 2020 2966

Crisologo X Emma Peters - Angela (By Hatik)

House 24 July 2020 4440

Liviu Guta - PRINCESSA (Originala 2020)

Manele 24 July 2020 2402

Mihaita Piticu si Narcisa - Eu plec tu ramai acolo (Originala 2020)

Manele 24 July 2020 2852

Besomorph, N3WPORT - Falling (ft. Meo)

Trap 24 July 2020 2945

Bogdan de la Ploiesti & Haziran - Aoleu sufletul meu (Originala 2020)

Manele 24 July 2020 4752


Manele 24 July 2020 2799

Macanache - Nu Ma Poti Opri (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 24 July 2020 1898

Macanache - Spune Cum Te Numesti (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 24 July 2020 1832

Colaj muzica de petrecere 2020 cu George Nicoloiu

Petrecere 24 July 2020 2200

Formatia Japonezii - Poker Song (Originala 2020)

Manele 24 July 2020 1943


Manele 24 July 2020 1849

Macanache - Am Plecat De Jos (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 24 July 2020 2098

Macanache - Despre Asta e Vorba (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 24 July 2020 1852

Macanache - Oricine Poate Fi Oricine (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 24 July 2020 1850

Macanache feat Wax - Rap Setter (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 24 July 2020 1734

Macanache feat. Crow - Ma Faci Cu Capu (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 24 July 2020 1785

Coco de la Slatina - Cel mai tare colaj de petrecere, Muzica de petrecere, Colaj BOMBA de JOC 2020

Petrecere 24 July 2020 2221

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Unde ai umblat azi noapte COVER

Petrecere 24 July 2020 2460

Cel mai nou Colaj cu Muzica de petrecere 2020 - George Nicoloiu

Petrecere 24 July 2020 2329

Emanuel de la Cluj - Eu sunt Dracu pe Pamant (Originala 2020)

Manele 24 July 2020 2903

Cel mai frumos Program Carmen Cantoneru si Nicusor Troncea 2020

Petrecere 24 July 2020 1972

Jean de la Craiova - Te ador pana mor iubirea vietii mele (Live SHOW 2020)

Manele 24 July 2020 2573

Costel Chircu si Formatia Five Music Colaj Bomba Hore si Sarbe pe Sistem 2020

Petrecere 24 July 2020 2086

Arkanian X BlvckMatias - BAP (feat. Lino Golden)(Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 23 July 2020 2714

Ionut Eduardo - Capra cu Trei Magari (Originala 2020)

Manele 23 July 2020 2224

Larisa Pop - Poarte feciorii manie

Petrecere 23 July 2020 1962

Level 8 X roseboy - Red Lips (ft. Alissa May)(Bass Boosted)

Trap 23 July 2020 1970

Viki Badita si Five Music, Cea mai tare hora si Cea mai a dracu sarba, Sa ma pupi unde ai muscat

Petrecere 23 July 2020 2104

Nicolae Guta & Adriana Antoni - Ce mi-ai facut iubirea mea (Manele Vechi)

Manele 23 July 2020 1901

Nicolae Guta & Adrian Minune - Sunt asa de suparat (Manele Vechi)

Manele 23 July 2020 1674

Nicolae Guta & Printesa Ancuta - Noapte de iubire (Manele Vechi)

Manele 23 July 2020 1587

Nicolae Guta - La ciorap bag la femei (Manele Vechi)

Manele 23 July 2020 1690

Nicolae Guta & Susanu - Hai saruta-ma (Manele Vechi)

Manele 23 July 2020 1679

twenty one pilots - Stressed Out (Sunfaello Remix)

House 22 July 2020 2050

Iuly Neamtu - Sus paharul sus cu banii (Originala 2020)

Manele 22 July 2020 2342

Alex Zian - Muzica de petrecere 2020 Cel mai BOMBA Colaj pe 2020

Petrecere 22 July 2020 2478

Lele & Geany Prala - Iti doresc sa ai drum bun (Originala 2020)

Manele 22 July 2020 2755

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