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Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Feli - Du-te dorule (MoonSound & Cristi Nitzu Remix)

Romaneasca 19 December 2020 3534

Mix Manele De Petrecere Asu x Jean De La Craiova Colaj Manele 2020

Manele 19 December 2020 2878

Muzica de Petrecere 2021 Cea Mai Ascultata Muzica Colaj George Nicoloiu Mixaj Muzica de Petrecere

Petrecere 19 December 2020 2828

Muzica Populara de Petrecere 2021 Hore si Sarbe 2021

Petrecere 19 December 2020 28166

Nicolae Guta - Unde ma plimbi dorule (Originala 2020)

Manele 19 December 2020 4204

Sandica Filipescu si Formatia Montana - Super colaj de joc (Cover)

Petrecere 19 December 2020 2177

Theo Rose x Kana Jambe & Arabii Lu Bursuc - Bravo Lor Au Stil Tiganii (Originala 2020)

Manele 19 December 2020 7232

Vasilica de la Strehaia - Colaj Nou 2021 Muzica de petrecere 2021 New

Petrecere 19 December 2020 1942

Vladuta Lupau, Amalia Ursu si Roxana Ilisie Perian - Am venit sa colindam (Colaj nou)

Petrecere 19 December 2020 3556

Godici si Piticu de la Timisoara - Moro ceao muro guglo - Ascultare

Manele 18 December 2020 2278

Gabi Nistor si Formatia Montana - Cu mana pe tata goala - Sarbe - (Cover) New

Petrecere 18 December 2020 2645

JUNGLA by Chimie & Domnul Udo - PETRECERE (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 18 December 2020 2089

Mihaita Piticu - Ploua (XZEEZ Remix)

House 18 December 2020 12319

NCS - Wreck Out EP Mix (Track & Build 2.0 Winners)

Trap 18 December 2020 2872

100 Greatest Christmas Songs... Ever (Album MP3 2020)

Albume 18 December 2020 2193

Vizante x K-RIGA - Sunt Departe, Tata (Originala 2020)

Romaneasca 18 December 2020 2235


Manele 18 December 2020 2604

Armin si Petrica Nicoara cu Claduia, Fane si Brundeanu - Colaj Colinde de Craciun

Petrecere 18 December 2020 3011

Narcisa - Comandantele x Uraganu x Nikolas Sax x Yoannes (Videoclip Full HD)

Videoclipuri 18 December 2020 2817

Bogdan de la Ploiesti - REVELIONU' (Videoclip Full HD)

Videoclipuri 18 December 2020 2915

2Scratch - Sober feat. Swisha T & Pressa (Melih Yildirim Remix)(Bass Boosted)

House 18 December 2020 3533

Ansambul etnofolcloric Plaiesii - Plecatorii plecatori

Petrecere 18 December 2020 2289

Beny Lalaru & Formatia Cristi Nuca - Ruseasca lui Marian Buftea (Originala 2020)

Manele 18 December 2020 2241

Bogdan de la Ploiesti - REVELIONU' (Originala 2020)

Manele 18 December 2020 5087

Cel mai tare colaj de petrecere 2020 Muzica de petrecere 2020 SHOW 2020 - 2021

Petrecere 18 December 2020 2631

Dj Sebi - Timpul nu se ntoarce (Originala 2020)

Manele 18 December 2020 2982


Petrecere 18 December 2020 2262

Vlaska live la 3 saxofoane (Madalin Gaina Trop, George si Antonio)

Petrecere 18 December 2020 1607

Yanis Pavel feat. Whats UP - Doar cu Iubire (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 18 December 2020 3175

Puisor de la Medias - La poarta (Originala 2020)

Manele 17 December 2020 2696

Netrum & Halvorsen - Shivers

Trap 17 December 2020 3180

Printu de la Cluj - Vremuri de neuitat (Originala 2020)

Manele 17 December 2020 2394

Robert Cristian & Dayana - Give In To Me

House 17 December 2020 3436

Alexandra Scrob - La noi ce-i sfant nu s-o pierdut NOU Colind 2020

Petrecere 17 December 2020 2300

Benny - Esti ultima femeie care imi rupe inima (Originala 2020)

Manele 17 December 2020 2338

#Colinda #Romania Sus in poarta cerului 2020 - Formatia Argus Dani si Georgiana

Petrecere 17 December 2020 1891

Colaj Manele De Dragoste Manele De Iubire Pentru Dedicatii Colaj Manele

Manele 17 December 2020 2392

Cristian Porcari - Danseaza cu mine (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 17 December 2020 6276

Ionut Iovanel - Bucurie cu suspin (colind)

Petrecere 17 December 2020 1728

Paul Hamza - Te vreau langa mine (Originala 2020)

Manele 17 December 2020 2521

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