Artist - Song name | Category | Date added | Hits |
SkiDropz x Babi Minune si Narcisa - Indianca Mea, Araboaica Mea (REMIX)REQUEST | Manele | 06 May 2022 | 2516 |
Olivia Addams - Fish In The Sea (SkiDropz Remix) | House | 22 January 2021 | 2883 |
Alexia - Pentru Tine (SkiDropz Remix) | Romaneasca | 27 October 2020 | 2711 |
Olivia Addams - Dumb (SkiDropz Remix) | House | 30 July 2020 | 2403 |
DJ Project feat. Andia - Slabiciuni (SkiDropz Remix) | Romaneasca | 01 July 2020 | 4312 |
ANTONIA - Lie I Tell Myself (SkiDropz Remix) | Romaneasca | 17 May 2020 | 3170 |
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