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Search results original | Page 329
Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Costel Biju - Orice om imbatraneste (Originala 2020)

Manele 30 October 2020 2854

Viper x Hamude x Whats UP - Mamacita (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 30 October 2020 2775

COSTI x Anna Lesko x Emy Alupei x Anda Adam x Cream x Minodora - BINELE NOSTRU (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 30 October 2020 5947

Karmen x BRUJA - Belladonna (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 30 October 2020 3458

Mandinga X NOSFE - Macho Man (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 30 October 2020 3330

Boier Bibescu - La Balul Tau (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 29 October 2020 2455

Marian Japonezu & George Talent - De la mine pleaca #Moda (Originala 2020)

Manele 29 October 2020 2206

NIKOLAS SAX x LAURA - Iubeste pe cine vrei (Originala 2020)

Manele 29 October 2020 3200

Razvan de la Pitesti - Dau la maxim iubirea (Originala 2020)

Manele 29 October 2020 2415

ELENA - Vulnerabili (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 29 October 2020 3551

Catalina - Pe foi (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 29 October 2020 2272

Adrian Minune & B.Piticu - Lasa-ma uita-ma (Originala 2020)

Manele 28 October 2020 3232

CRBL - Conversatie Muta feat. THEA (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 28 October 2020 2399

JUNGLA by Chimie & Domnul Udo - SUS (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 28 October 2020 2015

EM44 - Nebuna (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 28 October 2020 2148

Poe & Andreea Boanta - Promovam Prostia (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 28 October 2020 5434

RUBY feat. EMILIAN - Unde (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 28 October 2020 5968

Ionut Eduardo - Cat mi-e de dor feat. ProDigal (Originala 2020)

Manele 28 October 2020 3855

Florin Salam si Mihaita Piticu - Ramanta (Originala 2020)

Manele 28 October 2020 1509

Vali de la Ploiesti & Florin Mir - Nu-mi pasa ca nu va convine (Originala 2020)

Manele 28 October 2020 1501

Sandra N - Cand aveam vreo 16 ani (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 28 October 2020 4279

Samurai - Dormi linistita (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 28 October 2020 2385

LUCIAN ELGI x ELIAS ERICK - Ce iti ofer eu (Originala 2020)

Manele 28 October 2020 2750

DANI PRINTUL BANATULUI feat Rusu - Egal cu zero (Originala 2020)

Manele 27 October 2020 2443

LUCY - DISsBICI (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 27 October 2020 2092

Sisu Tudor feat. Rashid - Trage-ma (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 27 October 2020 2456

The Motans x EMAA - Insula (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 27 October 2020 10557

Cristian Porcari - Bangeru (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 27 October 2020 2335

ZANNI x What's UP - MARTIENII (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 26 October 2020 3326

Serge Legran - Agoreuo (Original Mix)

House 26 October 2020 2512

Alex de la Caracal si Simina Stanciu - Zilele, una, doua (Originala 2020)

Manele 26 October 2020 2930

Bogdan Ioan - Imi pare rau (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 26 October 2020 2588

Liviu Guta x Mayari - Yali (Originala 2020)

Manele 26 October 2020 2282

Marius Babanu - Oamenii se vand pentru bani (Originala 2020)

Manele 26 October 2020 2118


Manele 26 October 2020 2381

Melvy x Iancu Sterp - Lacatele (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 26 October 2020 3162

Cocos de la Calarasi x Rada - Un inel si toata dragostea mea (Originala 2020)

Manele 26 October 2020 2518

LUCY - LABA iUMOR (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 26 October 2020 2833


Manele 25 October 2020 2348

Vizante - Viata mea, ca o balada (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 25 October 2020 2723

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