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Search results neli | Page 3
Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

IARNA MANELISTILOR 2020 (Selectie Manele Noi de Craciun)

Albume 25 December 2019 2604

Corrnelia si Lupu Rednic - Insoara-te mai Ioane!

Petrecere 22 December 2019 2719

Ionut Manelistu - Unde Stam noi Barosanii (Originala 2019)

Manele 14 December 2019 4340

Cornelia si Lupu Rednic - Mandruta cu ochi de mura

Petrecere 15 November 2019 4773

Cornelia si Lupu Rednic - Bauta lui Lupu

Petrecere 15 November 2019 2834

Sace x Loneliness - Virtuoso

Trap 11 November 2019 2234

Ansamblul Plaiesii ALTFEL - Tanar sant nelinistit

Petrecere 22 October 2019 4585


Albume 31 August 2019 1946

naBBoo feat. Eneli - Out of my mind (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 28 June 2019 2411

Mark Azekko X Eneli X Tobi Ibitoye - Jai besoin de toi (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 18 June 2019 2247

Starr Boi si Deppner - RAMAN CU EA feat. NELI (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 05 March 2019 2060

Antonio ft. NELI - Parfum De Deja Vu (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 02 March 2019 3137

NELI - Viata Reala (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 20 January 2019 2043

The Motans - Saint Loneliness (Softbeat Remix)

Romaneasca 16 January 2019 2462

The Motans feat. Marea Neagra - Saint Loneliness (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 16 December 2018 2668


Albume 08 September 2018 2091

Starr Boi ft. NELI - NUMAI TU (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 06 September 2018 1532

Starr Boi Feat. NELI - Numai tu (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 10 August 2018 1573

TREI SPE ft. NELI - N-am Incredere in Oameni

Romaneasca 24 July 2018 1623

Ionut Manelistu - Am tot respectul lumii (Originala 2018)

Manele 21 July 2018 1607

Florin Salam Si Ionut Manelistu - Tu Esti Sefa Mea (Originala 2018)

Manele 25 May 2018 1683

Neli - Pana Imi Iese (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 26 March 2018 1465

Nane Feat. Neli - Laboratorul lui Dexter (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 20 March 2018 1521

NELI - Pana Sa Te Intalnesc (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 08 March 2018 1491

Nicu Paleru si Susanu - Tanar si nelinistit (ReWork)(Originala 2018)

Petrecere 20 February 2018 1610

Neli feat. Trei Spe - Vagabond (Originala 2018)

Romaneasca 01 February 2018 1539

Iarna Manelistilor 2018 (Selectie Manele Noi de Craciun)

Albume 25 December 2017 2030

Edy Talent - DISSTRACK ANTI MANELISTI (Originala 2017)

Manele 14 December 2017 1606

Vanotek feat. Eneli - Back to Me (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 23 November 2017 1828

Vanotek feat. Eneli - Tara (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 23 November 2017 1687

Vanotek feat. Eneli - Vision (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 23 November 2017 1703

Costel Ciofu si Ionut Manelistu - Mascatii si cu Garda

Manele 29 October 2017 1798


Albume 21 September 2017 4978

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