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Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Dirty Nano The Motans feat. EMAA - Insula REMIX

House 28 October 2020 10553

JUNGLA by Chimie & Domnul Udo - SUS (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 28 October 2020 2015

Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness (Imanbek Remix)

House 28 October 2020 2398

Mihaela Belciu - Are stana internet

Petrecere 28 October 2020 3047

Super Colaj Manele De Petrecere Melodiile Necesare Petrecerii Colaj Manele 2020

Manele 28 October 2020 3124

Mix Manele Dragoste Melodii De Dragoste Colaj Manele De Dragoste

Manele 28 October 2020 3124

Bones ft. Juicy J - Timberlake (Kamran747 Remix)

Trap 28 October 2020 4634

Luminita Ciolan - Colaj muzica de petrecere 2020

Petrecere 28 October 2020 2152

Ionut Eduardo - Cat mi-e de dor feat. ProDigal (Originala 2020)

Manele 28 October 2020 3855

Florin Salam si Mihaita Piticu - Ramanta (Originala 2020)

Manele 28 October 2020 1509

Vali de la Ploiesti & Florin Mir - Nu-mi pasa ca nu va convine (Originala 2020)

Manele 28 October 2020 1501

COLAJ MUZICA DE PETRECERE 2020 colaj muzica populara 2020, colaj muzica de petrecere 2020

Petrecere 28 October 2020 3269

LUCIAN ELGI x ELIAS ERICK - Ce iti ofer eu (Originala 2020)

Manele 28 October 2020 2750

Alison Wonderland - Run (Divine Remix)

Trap 27 October 2020 2029

Ansamblul etnofolcloric Plaiesii - Polcuta de doi

Petrecere 27 October 2020 3220

DANI PRINTUL BANATULUI feat Rusu - Egal cu zero (Originala 2020)

Manele 27 October 2020 2443

Nicolae Gribincea - Dragostoasa mea muiere

Petrecere 27 October 2020 2369

The Motans x EMAA - Insula (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 27 October 2020 10557

Diana Iancu - Colaj BELEA cu Hore si Sarbe BOMBA de joc 2020 Muzica de petrecere 2020 Show Total

Petrecere 27 October 2020 2299

Mix Manele De Petrecere Hit-uri Pentru Petrecere Colaj Manele Petrecere

Manele 27 October 2020 2212

Muzica Populara 2020 de Petrecere Colaj Muzica de Petrecere 2020 (Melodii de Chef si Voie Buna)

Petrecere 27 October 2020 4600

Muzica de Petrecere 2020 Colaj 2020 Mihai de la Ciocanesti muzica populara 2020

Petrecere 27 October 2020 2272

Alex de la Caracal si Simina Stanciu - Zilele, una, doua (Originala 2020)

Manele 26 October 2020 2930

Carla's Dreams - Scara 2, etajul 7 (Asher Remix)

House 26 October 2020 2635

The Japan Group - Hai barbatu meu du-ma la Mc (ft Cristina Pucean)

Manele 26 October 2020 3339

Alan Walker x Alex Skrindo - Sky VIP (Remix)

Trap 26 October 2020 4006


Petrecere 26 October 2020 3135

Denisa Neag - Veniti romani la Tebea

Petrecere 26 October 2020 2144

Liviu Guta x Mayari - Yali (Originala 2020)

Manele 26 October 2020 2282

Marius Babanu - Oamenii se vand pentru bani (Originala 2020)

Manele 26 October 2020 2118


Manele 26 October 2020 2381

COLAJ 2020 MUZICA DE PETRECERE Colaj muzica de petrecere, sarbe, hore

Petrecere 26 October 2020 2490

Flori Popescu - Colaj 2020 cu sarbe si hore de joc Muzica de petrecere 2020 Super SHOW

Petrecere 26 October 2020 2258

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Inima nu stiu de-i bine (Niculina Stoican COVER)

Petrecere 26 October 2020 3012


Petrecere 26 October 2020 3064

Melvy x Iancu Sterp - Lacatele (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 26 October 2020 3162

Cocos de la Calarasi x Rada - Un inel si toata dragostea mea (Originala 2020)

Manele 26 October 2020 2518

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Te iubesc la nebunie (Puiu Codreanu COVER)

Manele 26 October 2020 3491

LUCY - LABA iUMOR (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 26 October 2020 2833

Muzica de petrecere 2020 Colaj Nou MIHAI DE LA CIOCANESTI

Petrecere 25 October 2020 2522

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