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Search results j flo | Page 4
Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Florita de la Clejani - Lacrimile mele au secat de tot (Originala 2021)

Manele 24 December 2021 2176

Florentina Raicu & Orkestra Kampionii - Colaj 2021 HIT

Petrecere 11 December 2021 1952

florianrus x JO - Daca m-ai iubit candva (Adrian Funk x OLiX)

House 02 December 2021 2453

Camelia Flore & Formatia - Colaj Ardelene

Petrecere 25 November 2021 1859

Carmen de la Salciua x Florin Salam x Nicolae Guta - Manele Pentru Suflet (Colaj Hituri Manele)

Manele 23 November 2021 4998

florianrus x JO - Daca m-ai iubit candva (Deejay Killer Remix)

Romaneasca 05 November 2021 2301

florianrus x JO - Daca m-ai iubit candva (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 04 November 2021 9401

Tzanca Uraganu & Stefan de la Barbulesti & Narcis & Petrica Cercel & Florin Cercel & Adrian de la Severin - Colaje NUNTI (Album 2021)

Albume 04 November 2021 3115

Florin Salam - Semnatura mea e pe inimioara ta (Colaj Florin Salam si Invitatii)

Manele 02 November 2021 3240

Leo de la Kuweit x Florin Salam x Tzanca Uraganu' - COLAJ HITURI NOI MANELE

Manele 29 October 2021 3623

Florin Cercel - Etajul 10 (Originala 2021)

Manele 27 October 2021 6760

Parazitii x Guess Who x Adrian Despot - O stare de spirit cu flori ilegale (Deejay Killer Remix)

Romaneasca 21 October 2021 3148

Jean de la Craiova x Ralflo - Femeie Regala (Originala 2021)

Manele 15 October 2021 3038

Florita de la Clejani - OMULE (Cele Mai Ascultate Melodii)

Manele 13 October 2021 2077

Florita de la Clejani x Ionut Bratu - Strange omu intruna (Originala 2021)

Manele 13 October 2021 1918

Tzanca Uraganu x Florin Salam x Mr Juve - Daca ai femeie frumoasa (Originala 2021)

Manele 09 October 2021 4413

Florin Salam - Jumatate soarta, jumate noroc (Originala 2021)

Manele 01 October 2021 8837

Jador x Florin Salam - CELE MAI TARI HITURI

Manele 20 September 2021 3067

Hituri Noi Manele - JADOR x Tzanca Uraganu' x Florin Salam

Manele 18 September 2021 3366


Albume 05 September 2021 4062

Florita de la Clejani - Manele noi

Manele 04 September 2021 2288

Sweet Kiss - Floare Alba, Floare Neagra (Deejay Killer Remix)

Romaneasca 03 September 2021 3085

CBX Biju x Florin Salam x Ionut Printu x Voetin - Top Hit

Manele 13 August 2021 2462

Ionut Printu x Voetin x Florita de la Clejani

Manele 12 August 2021 2168

Biju x Voetin x Blondu de la Timisoara x Florin Salam

Manele 02 August 2021 2824

Cocos de la Calarasi x Blondu' de la Timisoara x Florin Cercel - Colaj 2021 Manele Noi

Manele 24 July 2021 4048

Costel Biju x Florin Salam x Vali Vijelie x Nicolae Guta x Babi Minune

Manele 18 July 2021 3484

Adam B x Florin Salam x Vali Vijelie x Liviu Guta x Paul Morar x Mr Juve

Manele 17 July 2021 3030

Vali Vijelie x Costel Biju x Florin Salam x Demer Manele Hit Colaj 2021

Manele 17 July 2021 3104

Juan Magan x Florin Salam x Betty Blue x Ruby x Costi - Bossy

Romaneasca 17 July 2021 2964

Costel Biju x Nikolas x Florin Salam CELE MAI NOI MANELE - Hituri Manele 2021

Manele 11 July 2021 3189

Biju x Susanu x Florita de la Clejani

Manele 10 July 2021 2443

Florin Salam - Colaj manele HIT 2021 Live

Manele 08 July 2021 5960

Florita de la Clejani si Vali Birlic - Bate Bate Inima (Originala 2021)

Manele 06 July 2021 2603

Florin Salam x Costel Biju x Tzanca Uraganu' - Cele Mai Noi Manele - Hituri 2021

Manele 03 July 2021 3137

JANES SAN MIRI VIATA - Nikolas Sax x Lele x DeSanto x Florin Bunea

Manele 29 June 2021 5549


Manele 27 June 2021 3755

Florin Salam x Costel Biju x Susanu - HIT MANELE

Manele 24 June 2021 2228

Florita de la Clejani - Cum sa imparti dragoste la 2 barbati (Originala 2021)

Manele 24 June 2021 2195


Manele 17 June 2021 2820

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