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Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Marcela Fota - Muzica de Petrecere 2020, Petrecere 2020, Sarbe 2020, Hore 2020

Petrecere 20 July 2020 1723

Karie - LUPTATOR feat. El Nino (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 20 July 2020 2738

Liviu Guta si Susanu - Vreau Sa Beau Cu Fratii (REMIX 2020)

Manele 20 July 2020 1539

Alecsia - In Urma Ta (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 20 July 2020 2218

Alessio Marco - Vita Bella (Videoclip Full HD)

Videoclipuri 19 July 2020 2496

FLORIN CERCEL - Pustan de 10 stele (Videoclip Full HD)

Videoclipuri 19 July 2020 2877

Culita Sterp - A aparut curcubeul (Videoclip Full HD)

Videoclipuri 19 July 2020 2172

Denisa Rachita - Eu pe o strada tu pe alt drum (Videoclip Full HD)

Videoclipuri 19 July 2020 1820

Arabic turkish Indian Instrumental Remix Hits 2020 (Vol.38)(New Club Mix)

Albume 19 July 2020 2395

Viki Badita si Costel Chircu, Formatia Five Music Super Duet de Joc 2020

Petrecere 19 July 2020 1801

Babi Minune - Azi alta inima tu arzi (Originala 2020)

Manele 19 July 2020 2839

Ghita Munteanu - Pentru tine, pentru dragostea ce-ti port

Petrecere 19 July 2020 3747

Mariana Botoaca - Cel mai tare colaj de petrecere 2020 Muzica de petrecere 2020 SHOW 2020

Petrecere 19 July 2020 1998

CHIHLIMBAR - Iata mi-a venit sorocul

Petrecere 19 July 2020 2160

LIVIU GUTA - PARANGHELIE (Super hitul verii 2020)

Manele 19 July 2020 2552

NELUTA BUCUR - Cantece vechi lautaresti

Petrecere 19 July 2020 3110

AMNA feat. Dorian Popa - Cealalta ea (Tibi & Deny Remix)

Romaneasca 19 July 2020 3968

NELUTA BUCUR - M-a facut mama sofer

Petrecere 18 July 2020 3529

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Sunt stapan pe viata mea (Camelia Balmau -COVER)

Petrecere 18 July 2020 3483

Andreea Voica - Canta Andreea si cu trupa (NOU 2020)

Petrecere 18 July 2020 2701

Denisa Rachita - Eu pe o strada tu pe alt drum (Originala 2020)

Manele 18 July 2020 2640

Nicoleta Lacatusu - Muzica de petrecere 2020 - Colaj muzica populara de petrecere Sarbe si Hore

Petrecere 18 July 2020 2353

Alexandru Pop - Cand vad mandra aplecata

Petrecere 17 July 2020 5013

Elena Sunzuiana - De-as fi cu badea la stana

Petrecere 17 July 2020 2449

Reea x Tina x Nicky YaYa - IMI FAC VIATA (Originala 2020)

Manele 17 July 2020 3432

Culita Sterp - A aparut curcubeul (Originala 2020)

Manele 17 July 2020 3639

Diana Tataran - Inima cu greu pacat NOU 2020

Petrecere 17 July 2020 2365

Ticy - Pentru tine eram in stare de orice (Originala 2020)

Manele 17 July 2020 2385

Cornel Cojocaru - Colaj Ascultare si Hore 2020

Petrecere 17 July 2020 4009


Petrecere 17 July 2020 2354


Manele 17 July 2020 3416

FLORIN CERCEL - Pustan de 10 stele (Originala 2020)

Manele 17 July 2020 8630

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda - Mandra care-i faina tare (COVER)

Petrecere 16 July 2020 2588

Toni de la Brasov - Fata mea, zana mea (Originala 2020)

Manele 16 July 2020 2985

Mark Stam - Lasa-ma (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 16 July 2020 5308

OANA RALUCA - STRAINATATE AMARA (melodie de straintate)

Petrecere 16 July 2020 2356

Suan x Kaydo x Skyma - Katai (Bass Boosted)

Trap 16 July 2020 2041

Octavian Francezu & Nicu Elvis - M-am nascut cu inima buna (Originala 2020)

Manele 15 July 2020 2577

Alina Lascau si Formatia Balans Grup, Super Colaj live Ascultari 2020

Petrecere 15 July 2020 1573

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Intr-un sat e o casuta (Simona Dinescu-COVER)

Petrecere 15 July 2020 2618

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