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Search results angela | Page 3
Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Sarba de Sarba LIVE COVER

Petrecere 02 April 2021 2528

Angela Rusu - Dependenta de tine (Originala 2021)

Manele 17 March 2021 4373

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Mult bine am facut in viata (Cristina Turcu Preda COVER)

Petrecere 14 March 2021 2805

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Puiule imbatranesti (Niculina Stoican COVER)

Petrecere 14 March 2021 2845

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Se spune ca nu-i barbat (Marcela Fota COVER)

Petrecere 14 March 2021 2620

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Te-am iertat nana o data (Delia Barbu COVER)

Petrecere 14 March 2021 2632

Cristina Croitoru, Angela Magheru, Adi Mitroi & Formatia Magheru Best of The Best 2021 New

Petrecere 21 February 2021 2322

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Tu esti nascut pentru mine

Petrecere 01 February 2021 2781

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - La omul care mi-e drag (Nicolae Gribincea COVER)

Petrecere 28 January 2021 2842

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Cand te-am vazut prima data

Manele 25 January 2021 2880

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Dimineti senine

Manele 25 January 2021 2615

Formatia Magheru & Angela Magheru 2021 Colaj Vlaska (Cover Live) Colaj Sarbe2021

Petrecere 05 January 2021 2584

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Cui ii place dragostea (Colaj Hora Joc COVER)

Petrecere 02 January 2021 2904

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Prin straini (LIVE COVER)

Petrecere 02 January 2021 2683


Petrecere 31 December 2020 3395

Cristina Croitoru, Angela Magheru & Adrian Mitroi Omule petrece cat esti tanar 2021

Petrecere 29 December 2020 2132

ANGELA LAZAR - Amandoi mereu

Petrecere 24 December 2020 2251

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Fetele lu' tata (Ilie Rosu COVER)

Petrecere 22 December 2020 2563

Angela Damsa - Bucuroasa mi-s pe lume - NOU 2020!!!

Petrecere 26 November 2020 1887

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sarutat (LIVE-Carmen Chindris COVER)

Petrecere 24 November 2020 3206

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Si barbatii sunt perversi (Carmen Serban-COVER)

Petrecere 24 November 2020 2905

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Cine noaptea somn nu are (LIVE-Paula Pasca COVER)

Petrecere 24 November 2020 2380

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Te-ai nascut cu mir in frunte (Adrian Minune COVER)

Manele 07 November 2020 3743

ANGELA Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Toate diamantele (Luis Gabriel COVER)

Manele 07 November 2020 3744

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Sui dealul pana la culme (Venera Despau Gogan COVER)

Petrecere 06 November 2020 2512

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Soferie, soferie (Rares Campan COVER)

Petrecere 04 November 2020 2746

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Inima nu stiu de-i bine (Niculina Stoican COVER)

Petrecere 26 October 2020 3021

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Te iubesc la nebunie (Puiu Codreanu COVER)

Manele 26 October 2020 3502

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Un gram din dragostea ta (Viorica de la Clejani COVER)

Manele 21 October 2020 2689

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Omule ce-n asta viata (Simona Dinescu COVER)

Petrecere 18 October 2020 3646

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Tinere cu par carunt (Ghita Munteanu COVER)

Petrecere 18 October 2020 3650

Angela Gheonea - Neica eu mor dupa tine

Petrecere 12 October 2020 2601

Angela Gheonea - Ioane Ioane

Petrecere 12 October 2020 2981

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Fetita mea (Georgiana Lobont COVER)

Manele 01 October 2020 3474

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Am noroc cu ochii mei (Florin Peste COVER)

Manele 01 October 2020 2905

ANGELA Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Hai sus paharele COVER

Petrecere 01 October 2020 2581

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - Unde-i vremea de altadata (Ana-Maria Oprisan COVER)

Petrecere 22 September 2020 3088

Angela Gheonea & Costinel Buda(orga) - M-am indragostit de tine (Camelia Balmau-COVER)

Petrecere 21 September 2020 2791

Angela Rusu - Tata, bucuria mea

Petrecere 14 September 2020 2995

Angela Berian - Bunii mei de altadata

Petrecere 11 September 2020 2064

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