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Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

MUZICA LAUTAREASCA 2020 Colaj, Muzica de petrecere lautareasca 2020

Petrecere 29 October 2020 4574

Catalina - Pe foi (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 29 October 2020 2272

Adrian Minune & B.Piticu - Lasa-ma uita-ma (Originala 2020)

Manele 28 October 2020 3232

CRBL - Conversatie Muta feat. THEA (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 28 October 2020 2399

Dirty Nano The Motans feat. EMAA - Insula REMIX

House 28 October 2020 10553

Poe & Andreea Boanta - Promovam Prostia (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 28 October 2020 5434

Mihaela Belciu - Are stana internet

Petrecere 28 October 2020 3047

David Guetta - Hey Mama (ERS REMIX)

House 28 October 2020 4277

Luminita Ciolan - Colaj muzica de petrecere 2020

Petrecere 28 October 2020 2152

Florin Salam si Mihaita Piticu - Ramanta (Originala 2020)

Manele 28 October 2020 1509

Samurai - Dormi linistita (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 28 October 2020 2385


Petrecere 28 October 2020 2666


Petrecere 27 October 2020 2277

Ansamblul etnofolcloric Plaiesii - Polcuta de doi

Petrecere 27 October 2020 3220

The Motans x EMAA - Insula (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 27 October 2020 10557

Andreea Bostanica - Uit de Noi (Orginal Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 27 October 2020 4431

Diana Iancu - Colaj BELEA cu Hore si Sarbe BOMBA de joc 2020 Muzica de petrecere 2020 Show Total

Petrecere 27 October 2020 2299

Tzanca Uraganu x Iuly Neamtu - Mancati-as hazul, Ti-ai pus pe buze dulceata (REMIX)

Manele 26 October 2020 3763

Alex de la Caracal si Simina Stanciu - Zilele, una, doua (Originala 2020)

Manele 26 October 2020 2930

Carla's Dreams - Scara 2, etajul 7 (Asher Remix)

House 26 October 2020 2635

Liviu Guta x Mayari - Yali (Originala 2020)

Manele 26 October 2020 2282


Manele 26 October 2020 2381

Muzica de Petrecere 2020 Cea Mai Ascultata Muzica de Petrecere 2020 (Melodii de Chef si Voie Buna)

Petrecere 26 October 2020 2673

Cocos de la Calarasi x Rada - Un inel si toata dragostea mea (Originala 2020)

Manele 26 October 2020 2518


Manele 25 October 2020 2348

Vizante - Viata mea, ca o balada (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 25 October 2020 2723

Nicolae Guta - Esti opera de arta (Originala 2020)

Manele 25 October 2020 2846

Taraful oltenesc Alex de la Caracal - Hai la joc (Program Nunta Cristiana si Cristi)(LIVE 2020)

Petrecere 25 October 2020 2604

Alexandra Stan - Mr. Saxobeat (AIZZO Remix)

House 24 October 2020 2465

Alessio Marco - Buzele tale (Cover Carmen Chindris si Taraful Rutenilor)

Manele 24 October 2020 1839

Nicolae Guta - Esti opera de arta (Originala 2020)

Manele 24 October 2020 2859

Mira - Invata-ma (Andrew Maze & Pavlo & Adrian Saguna Remix)

Romaneasca 24 October 2020 2749

DIANA ONOFREI - Rita Rita (Remix)

Romaneasca 24 October 2020 2904

Cornelia si Lupu Rednic cu Lautarii LIVE - Astazi langa voi s aduna & Aista i joc de sarit

Petrecere 24 October 2020 2455

Culita Sterp LIVE - Fata mea, Duc o viata smechera, Lautarii COLAJ (Formatia X-pert Music)

Manele 24 October 2020 3150

Nicu Troncea, Marinel Purcelan, Cristi Gex, Adi Frunza Instrumentala 2020 Colaj Nou LIVE

Petrecere 24 October 2020 3054

Petruta feat. Alex Mica - Te sarut cu inima (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 24 October 2020 5175

Colaj Manele De Dragoste Melodii Pentru Persoana Iubita Colaj Manele Usoare

Manele 24 October 2020 2377

Liviu Guta x Adi De La Valcea - Suna Cu Numar Privat (Originala 2020)

Manele 24 October 2020 2872

Romeo Fantastik - HAI HAI NEVASTA MEA 2020

Petrecere 24 October 2020 2666

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