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Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Laura si Nicolae Guta - La orice ora (Originala 2018)

Manele 19 October 2018 1596

NICOLAE GUTA si DENISA - Te iau de mana si plec (Originala 2018)

Manele 19 October 2018 1726

Anca Manoila - Maicuta cu nume sfant 2018

Petrecere 19 October 2018 1504

Keed - Cateaua ta (Lassie) feat. Killa Fonic x NANE

Romaneasca 18 October 2018 2046

Karina Petrovici si Adrian Dis - Dragostea ce-ti port 2018

Petrecere 18 October 2018 1551

SHIFT feat. IOANA IGNAT - Dor de Noi (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 18 October 2018 1590

Randi - Copacul (Remake by Famous Production)

Romaneasca 18 October 2018 1681

SPEAK - Oda pentru Flick (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 18 October 2018 1540

Stres - AOLO GUCI (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 18 October 2018 1470

Nicolae Guta si Nicu Guta - Ca mitralierele (Originala 2018)

Manele 18 October 2018 1512

Carlas Dreams - Praf de stele (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 17 October 2018 1792

Denisa Muresan - HAI CU VESELIE 2018

Petrecere 17 October 2018 1641

Francisca - Voodoo (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 17 October 2018 1632

RONE DAMASC - Despre NOI (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 17 October 2018 1600

Starr Boi - Nu Ai Fost Acolo (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 16 October 2018 1564

Samurai - In locul meu (Freestyle)

Romaneasca 16 October 2018 1639

Majestral - My Foolish Heart (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 16 October 2018 1619

Geany Morandi - Ce mult te iubesc (Originala 2018)

Manele 16 October 2018 1696

Gani - Scoala veche, scoala noua (feat. Marijuana, Ganja, Honey, MUZE, DJ Pussycutz)

Romaneasca 16 October 2018 1496

Gani - CuVant inainte (spoken word)

Romaneasca 16 October 2018 1700

Gani - CandVa VISA (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 16 October 2018 1517

Stefania Feat. Nicole Cherry - Esentele (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 16 October 2018 2178

Delia Rus - Alandala (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 16 October 2018 1560

Ruby feat. Shift - Invizibil (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 16 October 2018 1626

Roxana Printesa Ardealului Si Voetin - Te Ador (Originala 2018)

Manele 16 October 2018 1515

Mihaita Piticu - Cum Te Iubesc Eu Pe Tine (Originala 2018)

Manele 16 October 2018 1576

Jayoh - Ma Destram (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 16 October 2018 1496

Lucian ELGI - FA TU ESTI VIATA MEA (Originala 2018)

Manele 16 October 2018 1569

Ska-nk - George (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 15 October 2018 1481

RAPPA - Bal (de)Mascat (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 15 October 2018 1573

Majin Eazy - Nu ma las (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 15 October 2018 1532

GNOSTIC - 999 (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 15 October 2018 1516

CHRISS - Munti De Jeguri (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 15 October 2018 1550

Alexia Talavutis - Lumea mea (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 15 October 2018 1560

Iris - Lumea toata e un circ (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 15 October 2018 1551

Benny Cash aka CASHFLOW - Realitatea Moderna (XFactor)

Romaneasca 15 October 2018 1554

Gyna - La Varsta Mea (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 15 October 2018 1518

Ana Maria Tomoiaga - Am un dor greu ca si piatra 2018

Petrecere 14 October 2018 1536

Lele - Te voi lasa fara regret (Originala 2018)

Manele 14 October 2018 1581

Selectie Muzica Noua Romaneasca 5 OCTOMBRIE 2018 - 12 OCTOMBRIE 2018

Albume 13 October 2018 1839

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