Search results for paul morar on Find the latest songs, albums and music genres, fast and free!
Search results paul morar
Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Andrada Barsauan & Paul Morar - De ce-i rea lumea cu mine (Video Original)

Videoclipuri 19 April 2023 544

Laura si Paul Morar - Chef de chef - Colaj de petrecere nou 2023 (Video Original)

Videoclipuri 18 April 2023 581

Andrada Barsauan & Paul Morar - De ce-i rea lumea cu mine (Originala 2023)

Manele 24 February 2023 1559

Laura si Paul Morar - Chef de chef - Colaj de petrecere nou 2023

Manele 14 January 2023 1687

Bate tobele - VLADUTA LUPAU SI PAUL MORAR (Originala 2022)

Manele 03 November 2022 2255

Vasilica Pustiu x Paul Morar x Adam B - Toate vor veni la timpul lor

Manele 07 June 2022 1892

LAURA x PAUL MORAR - Colaj de Petrecere

Manele 04 March 2022 3285

Culita Sterp x Paul Morar - De ce imi faci inima sa planga (Originala 2021)

Manele 23 December 2021 3391

Adam B x Florin Salam x Vali Vijelie x Liviu Guta x Paul Morar x Mr Juve

Manele 17 July 2021 3062


Manele 29 April 2021 3039

Liviu Pustiu x Culita Sterp x Alessio x Liviu Guta x Susanu x Paul Morar

Manele 18 April 2021 2880

Paul Morar - Ochii tai (Originala 2020)

Manele 22 January 2021 3050

Paul Morar x Geanina Giblak - Amintirile (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 22 January 2021 2762

Paul Morar & Don Aaron - Suflete-n Razboi (Original Radio Edit)

Romaneasca 22 January 2021 2389

Paul Morar x Liviu Guta - Suflete Pereche (Originala 2021)

Manele 22 January 2021 3788

Adam B & Paul Morar - Da mi sa gust din fericire (Originala 2020)

Manele 01 May 2020 3502

PAUL MORAR si LAVINIA NEGREA - A prins culoare dragostea (Originala 2018)

Manele 23 February 2018 1611

PAUL MORAR - Haide spune-mi tu

Petrecere 27 October 2017 2237

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