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Search results orchestra lautarii
Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Orchestra Lautarii - Hora Primaverii

Petrecere 27 November 2024 433

Orchestra LAUTARII - Hora lui Gasitoi

Petrecere 05 January 2023 1426

Ion Paladi - Lautar cu scripca veche (Acompaniaza Orchestra Lautarii din Chisinau)

Petrecere 05 January 2022 2650

Lucian Paladi - O, brad frumos! (Acompaniaza Orchestra Lautarii din Chisinau)

Petrecere 21 December 2021 1876

Nicolae Botgros si Orchestra Lautarii din Chisinau, recital emotionant la Chisinau

Petrecere 05 November 2021 2232

Ion Paladi, Cristian Pomohaci si Orchestra Lautarii, dirijata de maestrul Nicolae Botgros

Petrecere 31 October 2021 3006

Nicolae Botgros si orchestra Lautarii din Chisinau (colaj de melodii lautaresti)

Petrecere 17 May 2021 3356

Paul Ananie, Nicu Mata, Gabriel Dumitru si Orchestra LAUTARII - Peste Prut, la rasarit

Petrecere 23 January 2021 3318

Maestrul Nicolae Botgros si Orchestra Lautarii Concert Londra 2020 La frati nu se pun hotare

Petrecere 21 November 2020 2564

Cornelia si Lupu Rednic - Orchestra Nationala Lautarii din Chisinau TRADITIONAL LA 50 DE ANI!

Petrecere 31 October 2020 2878

Ion Pladi - Foaie verde matostat (Nicolae Botgros - Orchestra Lautarii)

Petrecere 23 September 2020 2707

Ion Paladi si Orchestra Lautarii - Nunta-i mare boiereasca

Petrecere 29 August 2020 3191

Nicolae Botgros si Orchestra Lautarii in concertul de la Londra - La frati nu se pun hotare

Petrecere 25 June 2020 2749

Nicolae Botgros si Orchestra Lautarii NEW INSTRUMENTALA - Londra 2020

Petrecere 21 April 2020 3095

Nicolae Botgros si Orchestra Lautarii - Super suita folclor in recital extraordinar la LONDRA

Petrecere 20 April 2020 3957

Niculina Stoican - Zici tu lume ca nu plang (Orchestra Lautarii)

Petrecere 19 April 2020 4173

Nicolae Botgros si Orchestra Lautarii - Hora staccato

Petrecere 15 April 2020 2873

In drum spre casa - NICOLAE BOTGROS si Orchestra LAUTARII din Chisinau

Petrecere 31 March 2020 3115

Ion Paladi si Orchestra Lautarii din Chisinau - Bine ca m-am insurat

Petrecere 26 March 2020 3582

Marian Cozma & Nicolae Botgros & Orchestra Lautarii din Chisinau (Live 2020)

Petrecere 21 January 2020 3785

Ion Paladi si Orchestra Lautarii comuna SUHARAU - La frati nu se pun hotare

Petrecere 30 December 2019 3438

FETELE DIN BOTOSANI si Orchestra LAUTARII din Chisinau - Dragostea ii taina mare

Petrecere 28 December 2019 7705

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