Artist - Song name | Category | Date added | Hits |
Georgiana Stanus - Vino-acas romane 2020 | Petrecere | 20 June 2020 | 2998 |
Georgiana Stanus - Nu-i usoara viata de sofer | Petrecere | 24 May 2020 | 3604 |
Georgiana Stanus - Greu ti-o fost maicuta | Petrecere | 03 May 2020 | 2610 |
Puiu Fagarasanu si Georgiana Stanus - Bate, bate tare inima | Petrecere | 11 November 2019 | 4255 |
Puiu Fagarasanu si Georgiana Stanus - Unde te grabesti, draga viata | Petrecere | 11 November 2019 | 6668 |
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