Artist - Song name | Category | Date added | Hits |
Muzica Anilor 2000 - Colaj MANELE Vechi da' Bune | Manele | 09 September 2020 | 5742 |
600 SEL - Pustoaicele (colaj manele 2000) | Albume | 07 September 2020 | 1748 |
Adrian Minune & Florin Salam - Program de Nunta (colaj Manele Live 2000 bercea mondialu) | Albume | 12 August 2020 | 2493 |
Adrian Minune & Nicolae Guta - La Terasa lui Amar (Colaj Manele Live 2000) | Albume | 12 August 2020 | 2209 |
Bairam vol.3 (Colaj manele 2000) | Albume | 29 June 2020 | 1682 |
Bairam vol.2 (Colaj manele 2000) | Albume | 29 June 2020 | 1584 |
Bairam vol.1 (Colaj manele 2000) | Albume | 29 June 2020 | 1684 |
COLAJ LIVIU GUTA x MANELE 2000 x MANELE 2005 (Colaj 2020) | Manele | 14 June 2020 | 1550 |
Mystique - Dinata, dinata (Colaj manele 2000) | Albume | 30 March 2020 | 1780 |
Manele Vechi anii 2000 COLAJ CU CELE MAI TARI HITURI - HAI LA CHEF | Manele | 07 June 2019 | 4712 |
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