Search results for alex savu on Find the latest songs, albums and music genres, fast and free!
Search results alex savu
Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Nicolae Guta si Alex Savu - Plina-i lumea de latrai

Petrecere 15 February 2025 371

Alex Savu - Sunt baiat unicat (Video Original)

Videoclipuri 11 December 2023 778

Alex Savu - Sunt baiat unicat

Manele 11 December 2023 1044

Alex Savu - Vai, ce ti place!

Manele 20 December 2022 1278

Alex Savu - BEAU (Jocuri Tiganesti)

Petrecere 24 June 2022 1594

Alex Savu - SUNTETI CU OCHI PE MINE (Jocuri Tiganesti)

Petrecere 23 June 2022 1535

Alex Savu - COPII MEI (Jocuri Tiganesti)

Manele 22 June 2022 1402

Alex Savu - BOMBARDIER (Jocuri Tiganesti)

Manele 20 June 2022 1703

Alex Savu - TOATA ZIUA FAC LA BANI (Jocuri Tiganesti)

Manele 18 June 2022 1728

Alex Savu - BANII ASTIA M-AU MANCAT (joc tiganesc)

Manele 17 June 2022 1892

Alex Savu - CAMPION (Jocuri Tiganesti)

Manele 16 June 2022 1674

Alex Savu - Norocul la mine trage (Originala 2021)

Manele 20 December 2021 2092

Alex Savu - Vin din familie mare (Originala 2020)

Manele 28 September 2020 2338

Claudia si Alex Savu - Ochisori frumosi (Originala 2020)

Manele 26 August 2020 2971

Alex Savu - 20 de milioane (Originala 2020)

Manele 10 June 2020 2599

Alex Savu - Despre tine (Originala 2020)

Manele 30 March 2020 3572

Alex Savu - Eu sunt sefu (Originala 2020)

Manele 11 February 2020 2543

Alex Savu - 20 de milioane (Originala 2019)

Manele 22 December 2019 1544

Alex Savu - Pe un colt de harta (Originala 2019)

Manele 26 October 2019 2766

Alex Savu - Ca nici o femeie (Originala 2019)

Manele 09 September 2019 2854

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