Artist - Song name | Category | Date added | Hits |
Laura Olteanu - Din Humor la Botosana (Acompaniaza Orchestra Fratilor Advahov) | Petrecere | 07 July 2023 | 1191 |
Laura Olteanu - Dumnezeu mi-a dat noroc (Acompaniaza Orchestra Fratilor Advahov) | Petrecere | 10 April 2021 | 2932 |
Andra Olteanu - Ma intorc mereu cu dor (Acompaniaza Orchestra Fratilor Advahov) | Petrecere | 18 October 2020 | 2622 |
Laura & Andra Olteanu - Doamne, Tie-Ti Multumesc (Acompaniaza Orchestra Fratilor Advahov) | Petrecere | 17 October 2020 | 2903 |
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Search results acompaniaza orchestra fratilor advahov